Sunday, July 29, 2007
August Burns Red

Effing nice. Credit to Amanda.
My parents agreed to Baybeats. But i had to give in something for return. Well i thought about it, it's only 2 months, not too bad at all. YEA, 2 months, Fuck. It's August.
Btw any of you guys headin for baybeats friday 8pm Caracal can hook me up. More people, more mosh, MORE FUN! Hah ok i cant imagine ali moshing.
Fransy you there? Vacation or what? PAUL get your ass to baybeats please.
Saturday, July 28, 2007
Rainy rain rain
Me and Ali' made a trip down to far east just to realise that the shop opens only in 2 hours. What a wasted trip. But all is pleasant when i have Ali's company. So well since sonia's sick (GetWellSoon!) me and ali' made out way back home to her place. I loved the rain.
I can't wait for Chiodos' new album.

Anyway yea. I can't seem to figure out who you're talkin about. Am i the better or the worse. But i do agree that, You can't change the past,but you can change the future by changing the present. So let me try to renew our friendship.
Thursday, July 26, 2007
Pierce the paper walls
Yellowcard's paperwalls reminds me of RelientK's MMHMM and New Found Glory's Coming Home merged together. But still satisfactory, no genre changes or whatsoevea.
PS: I hear baybeats coming. But my situation at home tells me it's just an illusion. fuck.
Tuesday, July 24, 2007

I found this hilarious video off Utube thanks to sonia.
CounterGirl at EmoMart : "uh. well today we have a converse shoes and bandanas combination package so you can look all scene and emo."
Customer: "gosh wow, look at all these stuff. Inarticulate Hangover hobby kits, and radios, so that i can stand outside Nikki's window.."
And for the good ol' rock fans: He Is Legend
HAH btw, paul is such a funny sicko.
Friday, July 20, 2007
Racial Harmony 2007
I wore my skinnies to school without being busted. Achievement.

Lord VoldeRyan Battles Prof DumbleLuq.

Amanda & Me BlackSkinny To Arms To Arms!

Gina & Me

Val & Me

Zahrah & Me

Me & Mandy
Lord VoldeRyan Battles Prof DumbleLuq.
Amanda & Me BlackSkinny To Arms To Arms!
Gina & Me
Val & Me
Zahrah & Me
Me & Mandy
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
Rush Of Blood
I cant believe it. Funeral For A Friend's on Singapore RADIO. WTF. I'm shocked.
But i've seen it coming. Ever since they changed their image and genre. There's been lots of criticism and debate from the scene and the fans. Oh well, with the piracy industry booming, bands are more likely to jump on the MajorLabel bandwagon to make a living.
Joke of the day: "hi people you're tuned in to 98.7FM and next up with've got INTO OBLIVION by FUNERAL FOR A FRIEND. "
Are you readin this Jon? Well for many of my peeps it's like hearing Sherwood or HiddenInPlainView on radio. It's just wierd.
But heck it, even though they're mainstream now, i still effin love them. Unless they sell themselves out that is. hah.
July and August are gonna be hot months for me cause there's a long list of albums arriving. This calls for Immediate action. I've gotta use cheat code for infinite CASH. The music industry's gonna love me.
I'm skipping SingFest cause i think it is just nonsense. If i had a free tic i'll probly just go for TheAcademyIs and CobraStarship and MxPx. WHO NEEDS SHAGGY, Hinder or some guys called PetShopBoys.
But i'm sure to sprint to Baybeats. I'm gonna be so proud of Caracal and TheFireFight.

Meet my girlfriend.
But i've seen it coming. Ever since they changed their image and genre. There's been lots of criticism and debate from the scene and the fans. Oh well, with the piracy industry booming, bands are more likely to jump on the MajorLabel bandwagon to make a living.
Joke of the day: "hi people you're tuned in to 98.7FM and next up with've got INTO OBLIVION by FUNERAL FOR A FRIEND. "
Are you readin this Jon? Well for many of my peeps it's like hearing Sherwood or HiddenInPlainView on radio. It's just wierd.
But heck it, even though they're mainstream now, i still effin love them. Unless they sell themselves out that is. hah.
July and August are gonna be hot months for me cause there's a long list of albums arriving. This calls for Immediate action. I've gotta use cheat code for infinite CASH. The music industry's gonna love me.
I'm skipping SingFest cause i think it is just nonsense. If i had a free tic i'll probly just go for TheAcademyIs and CobraStarship and MxPx. WHO NEEDS SHAGGY, Hinder or some guys called PetShopBoys.
But i'm sure to sprint to Baybeats. I'm gonna be so proud of Caracal and TheFireFight.

Meet my girlfriend.
Saturday, July 14, 2007
Harry Potter // mood: mixed
I watched HarryPotter the second time today. First was with my classmates on the opening day last thursday. After school. Army of 13 filled the last row. I was surprised that we could get the last row even though we booked a night BEFORE. And what's more it was the opening day. Great day that was.

And today i catched it with Alicia and 7 other friends of hers including Claire. After a round at Marina Bay, I EFFIN FEEL LIKE SHOPPING. We'll do it someday my dear. Right after the Fuckin 'O's get done with.

And today i catched it with Alicia and 7 other friends of hers including Claire. After a round at Marina Bay, I EFFIN FEEL LIKE SHOPPING. We'll do it someday my dear. Right after the Fuckin 'O's get done with.
Monday, July 09, 2007
9th July
When your dead bored at home, you normally talk to yourself. In this case, I talk to tigger, Alicia's soft toy. Who said i was normal. Hah. I need a day out with the guys in my class whom i dont really know well. This calls for HarryPotter on thursday. Speakin of that, i spent the afternoon at ali's house watchin potter goblet of fire and asking a question almost every few minutes. Hah. I DONT READ HP books! i repeat. I dont. All i know is that HarryPotter's a cool geek with some spells, there's this BGR between Ron and the Herm' and Voldemort's a Bad Ass Skin head who's suffering from depression due to hair loss.
Crowded House's new stuff is great. Glad they came back.
Saturday, July 07, 2007
Today was awesome. Alicia's parents took us to catch DimSumDollies at the Esplanade. Was an effing great show. Had dinner with them before that. I feel really honoured and privileged that they always take me and ali out for a meal. I mean, Who's parents are okay with a relationship and even take us to dinner and an esplanade show. =)

This week has been quite demanding in school. I stay till at least 4pm everyday and it's takin a toll. This week's been weird for me. I must say i've never felt like a bad guy till this week. Yea, maybe you're right, Respect others and you'll do the same back. This week, it kinda hit me that, myabe i've been quite a pain to some peeps. Yes, i guess it's quite late to realise it now. But better late then never. And i'm glad we exchanged that two emails. Because it's really important to me. Maybe not to you as you've mentioned, but to me.
Spoke to fransy, and she said something that i've been thinkin about. Maybe i should really heed it. ahhh, when best friends talk at will, It really lightens me. Thanks fransy. ahh, glad i saw you today.

This week has been quite demanding in school. I stay till at least 4pm everyday and it's takin a toll. This week's been weird for me. I must say i've never felt like a bad guy till this week. Yea, maybe you're right, Respect others and you'll do the same back. This week, it kinda hit me that, myabe i've been quite a pain to some peeps. Yes, i guess it's quite late to realise it now. But better late then never. And i'm glad we exchanged that two emails. Because it's really important to me. Maybe not to you as you've mentioned, but to me.
Spoke to fransy, and she said something that i've been thinkin about. Maybe i should really heed it. ahhh, when best friends talk at will, It really lightens me. Thanks fransy. ahh, glad i saw you today.
Tuesday, July 03, 2007
I Made A New Friend Today.
I shall name him Charlie. Everyone, Meet Charlie.

He's so effin' cool. I wanna be just like him. He's so cool, he's cooler then the scene kids in Orchard. He friggin owns them with his mojo and good looks. Omg Charlie you're my wildest dreams. nah

Lessons' been holding me in school for as long as the sun sets each day. Well almost. And this issnt good for me. Well you see, Ryan needs motivation to study. To get his motivation, he needs this particular girl. This girl is his girlfriend. So well, By not having spare time, he is thus unable to meet alicia. And thus, have no motivation to study.
I got this theory from ali. Cool huh. And for once i think teachers are smart to have such things called Contact-Time, where they all flock to a huge room for a crappin session yo', thus creating a free day. Bling Bling Rappers in Da House.

These marks on my neck just won't go away my dear. =)
I shall name him Charlie. Everyone, Meet Charlie.

He's so effin' cool. I wanna be just like him. He's so cool, he's cooler then the scene kids in Orchard. He friggin owns them with his mojo and good looks. Omg Charlie you're my wildest dreams. nah

Lessons' been holding me in school for as long as the sun sets each day. Well almost. And this issnt good for me. Well you see, Ryan needs motivation to study. To get his motivation, he needs this particular girl. This girl is his girlfriend. So well, By not having spare time, he is thus unable to meet alicia. And thus, have no motivation to study.
I got this theory from ali. Cool huh. And for once i think teachers are smart to have such things called Contact-Time, where they all flock to a huge room for a crappin session yo', thus creating a free day. Bling Bling Rappers in Da House.

These marks on my neck just won't go away my dear. =)
Sunday, July 01, 2007
Arrivals And Departures
Hi humans. I just came in first place in the "Run-Back-Home-After-Meeting-Your-Girlfriend-Cause-You're-Fuckin-Late" Event. And i just broke the world record. Today was a fuckin good day. Certainly made me feel much better.
Supposed to have Swensons Icecream but we got dinner at fish&co at the airport. Now i'm effin full with fish and chip and a mug of jungle freeze. Guess we'll just have icecream tomorrow.
We went "home" after dinner. It's Been long dear.
HAH and we gotta get interupted by my dad calling so many times and i gotta lie abit and then i just panic-ed, making me RUN STRAIGHT HOME after gettin off the bus at eastpoint. I think i created a whirlwind from my trails. hah.

Btw i got Silverstein's Arrivals And Departures. WTF it's not supposed to be out yet till Tuesday. I was about to get Circa Survive. Then i saw silverstein and i just whispered "HOLY FUCK". And since when can Singaporeans find Silverstein Albums on their shelves besides. Oh, besides iinoki i guess.

Supposed to have Swensons Icecream but we got dinner at fish&co at the airport. Now i'm effin full with fish and chip and a mug of jungle freeze. Guess we'll just have icecream tomorrow.
We went "home" after dinner. It's Been long dear.
HAH and we gotta get interupted by my dad calling so many times and i gotta lie abit and then i just panic-ed, making me RUN STRAIGHT HOME after gettin off the bus at eastpoint. I think i created a whirlwind from my trails. hah.

Btw i got Silverstein's Arrivals And Departures. WTF it's not supposed to be out yet till Tuesday. I was about to get Circa Survive. Then i saw silverstein and i just whispered "HOLY FUCK". And since when can Singaporeans find Silverstein Albums on their shelves besides. Oh, besides iinoki i guess.