Friday, June 29, 2007
Mood: Lousy
I was supposed to type as 'today', but i just fell asleep and i left EVERYTHING turned on throughout the night. I woke up and my blogger window's still here. Hah, so it's 8.47am now. Didnt feel good last night, not at all. I kinda regret something, guess i shouldnt have done it overboard. But i just couldnt come to my senses at that moment, it was just too intense. ...argh, shan't talk about it. I'm feeling lousy.
Anyway we're having swensons icecream today! It's been ages since we've been to our 'usual place' hah. Somehow We just love the Airport.

You know it when your girlfriend needs a big tight hug. =)

I've been guitaring everyday day and night. And only to caracal songs recently. I'm so confident to say that i've fully mastered both 'Last Night' and 'Open inverted commas' Lead guitars parts. WHICH are fuckin technical and complex.
Anyway we're having swensons icecream today! It's been ages since we've been to our 'usual place' hah. Somehow We just love the Airport.

You know it when your girlfriend needs a big tight hug. =)

I've been guitaring everyday day and night. And only to caracal songs recently. I'm so confident to say that i've fully mastered both 'Last Night' and 'Open inverted commas' Lead guitars parts. WHICH are fuckin technical and complex.
Monday, June 25, 2007
ROCK FOR WAYNE was some crazy gig. It was fantastic. I've never seen so much energy for a local scene. Went with Alicia and Sonia. CARACAL, West Grand and AVacantAffair was on drugs.The rest of the bands deserved credits too.
Spastic Guy, Crazy Girl, Hell of a love =)

OMG we're so cool we're infront.

FIREFIGHT. Joshua crowd surfed after that. HAH!
Spastic Guy, Crazy Girl, Hell of a love =)
OMG we're so cool we're infront.
FIREFIGHT. Joshua crowd surfed after that. HAH!
AVACANTAFFAIR. Matt was fuckin cool. K he promised me a stage dive next time.
WestGrandB. Dharma said he had food poisoning and still performed. lol Level100 skill.
CARACAL! Fuckin great set. And freakin funny. Gabriel fell down halfway while playin. His face at that moment was priceless. He gave me a good excuse.

KC's Joke level Raised again. Pay Rise for you homie! No doubt, my all time favourite local band.
To sum up the night, it was fuckin great.Couldnt bare to leave.
Oh my crazy girl. Me fucking Love you.
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
20th June 200(6) Anglican High
I did my homework at the airport with the guys. Amanda and JingTing happenend to be there.
Not forgetting Alicia! Me and the guys also spent half the day watchin a local drama. Amanda's ridiculous ex-'boyfriend' came specially to hurl vulgarities at her, show sign actions, act stupid, and use his fluent engRish skills. Entertainment at it's best for us. Of course we didnt just stop and Stare.

Spent the rest of the day with this wonderful female. Hey ali, it's this day last year. 20th June 2006. Haha. She saw me and thought i was some 'gangster' back then Wtf. =)

Not forgetting Alicia! Me and the guys also spent half the day watchin a local drama. Amanda's ridiculous ex-'boyfriend' came specially to hurl vulgarities at her, show sign actions, act stupid, and use his fluent engRish skills. Entertainment at it's best for us. Of course we didnt just stop and Stare.

Spent the rest of the day with this wonderful female. Hey ali, it's this day last year. 20th June 2006. Haha. She saw me and thought i was some 'gangster' back then Wtf. =)

Tuesday, June 19, 2007
I'm not angry. I'm just surprised and amused. Since when being who you are and liking what you like, and most importantly MUSIC, became a friendship issue. Ridiculous. Anyway i saw Zahrah's blog.
This was a conversation between me and - .
R y a n J i g says:
R y a n J i g says:
lol he's just sad about life and need somethings to vent about la
R y a n J i g says:
so wad did he say?
- says:
he called you poser also
- says:
that's what I'm surprised
- says:
R y a n J i g says:
oh ok. so in wad way i poser?
- says:
how I know
- says:
maybe he's just pissed we aint mainstream
R y a n J i g says:
lol. i poser that i listen to local music and he dont? i poser that i go for gigs and he dont? i poser that i prefer indie music and he dont? i poser that i play musical instrunments better then him and he dont? er... k thats all for the stupidest reasons i can think of
R y a n J i g says:
cause i cant find any good reason
R y a n J i g says:
but i kinda pity him though. Mum keeps keeping him at home.
- says:
- says:
I rest my case
R y a n J i g says:
hah. eh i just realised that he also listen local music wad..
R y a n J i g says:
and that he started playin guitars later then me. so how to compare.
R y a n J i g says:
k now i really dunno why he said that
Know what. I still take this person, whom we've gone through FUN and MISERY together and whom i regard as my close fren/bro, as, my close fren/bro. I've no idea how this kinda stuff can be said. no sense! but, you're still my closefren/bro.
This was a conversation between me and - .
R y a n J i g says:
R y a n J i g says:
lol he's just sad about life and need somethings to vent about la
R y a n J i g says:
so wad did he say?
- says:
he called you poser also
- says:
that's what I'm surprised
- says:
R y a n J i g says:
oh ok. so in wad way i poser?
- says:
how I know
- says:
maybe he's just pissed we aint mainstream
R y a n J i g says:
lol. i poser that i listen to local music and he dont? i poser that i go for gigs and he dont? i poser that i prefer indie music and he dont? i poser that i play musical instrunments better then him and he dont? er... k thats all for the stupidest reasons i can think of
R y a n J i g says:
cause i cant find any good reason
R y a n J i g says:
but i kinda pity him though. Mum keeps keeping him at home.
- says:
- says:
I rest my case
R y a n J i g says:
hah. eh i just realised that he also listen local music wad..
R y a n J i g says:
and that he started playin guitars later then me. so how to compare.
R y a n J i g says:
k now i really dunno why he said that
Know what. I still take this person, whom we've gone through FUN and MISERY together and whom i regard as my close fren/bro, as, my close fren/bro. I've no idea how this kinda stuff can be said. no sense! but, you're still my closefren/bro.
Saturday, June 16, 2007
Last Night At 12
Me and ali' went for SomethingReallyGood at the youth park yesterday. I think we caught Trella, Giants Must Fall, Allura, Vertical Rush and OF COURSE Caracal. I went there specially for vertical rush, a vacant affair but most importantly Caracal. Didn't stay on for AVA though. Ops. oh well, once caracal was done , ava was next and they were the last band but i guess me and ali were just tired. hah.

Caracal Was fuckin awesome as ever. KC your Humour improved! Level up for you.You seemed happy bout it from your comment back HAH

Had Strawberry Crepe at Cinne and we headed back "home".
REALLY got HOME at 1am
Gabriel's Guitar swing is Fuckin Wicked Sick. It's like swinging an axe from your back, over your head and all the way down to the ground. I must master that for teacher's day.
Everytime i see caracal, he reminds me of a flag pole.
You can watch "LastNightAt12IFeltImmense" and his swing here. I took the video.

Wednesday, June 13, 2007
I feel so fucking proud today. Was at the airport to see Alicia home.
Please watch tonight's Channel News Asia, Channel 8 or ChannelU's NEWS.
She's on the news.
Please watch tonight's Channel News Asia, Channel 8 or ChannelU's NEWS.
She's on the news.

Btw i saw this two caucasian guys on the airport skytrain. Cute huh.

Tuesday, June 12, 2007
Tilting The Hourglass
Total Ownage.

And tomorrow's the day. Can't wait.
Monday, June 11, 2007
Window shopping with guys is kinda weird. Cause we'll get restless. We needed action. We needed humour. So we ended up going around Orchard, making noises, looking at Kick ass Cars, Staring at an old lady who think's she's GANGSTA *blingbling* and er, taking retarded pictures.

We headed to East coast to join my old pals for a little BBQ. Planned to crash their class BBQ but it turned out that not everyone was from 4C. HAH. It felt more like a Bol'DePlay gathering at one side and the ChinaGang gathering at the other.
Farith's Fuckin Freak Face. RHYMES!
I'm headin back to the studios tmr with a different bunch of ppl this time. People with SKILL! but damn eugene couldnt come. That'll make up an awesome lineup. Jialin's gonna Screamo his fuckin powervocals till ALESANA feels ashamed of themselves. HAHAHA
Btw peeps. Look what i've got.
PARAMORE. RIOT! Man i'm indie.