Monday, June 25, 2007
ROCK FOR WAYNE was some crazy gig. It was fantastic. I've never seen so much energy for a local scene. Went with Alicia and Sonia. CARACAL, West Grand and AVacantAffair was on drugs.The rest of the bands deserved credits too.
Spastic Guy, Crazy Girl, Hell of a love =)

OMG we're so cool we're infront.

FIREFIGHT. Joshua crowd surfed after that. HAH!
Spastic Guy, Crazy Girl, Hell of a love =)
OMG we're so cool we're infront.
FIREFIGHT. Joshua crowd surfed after that. HAH!
AVACANTAFFAIR. Matt was fuckin cool. K he promised me a stage dive next time.
WestGrandB. Dharma said he had food poisoning and still performed. lol Level100 skill.
CARACAL! Fuckin great set. And freakin funny. Gabriel fell down halfway while playin. His face at that moment was priceless. He gave me a good excuse.

KC's Joke level Raised again. Pay Rise for you homie! No doubt, my all time favourite local band.
To sum up the night, it was fuckin great.Couldnt bare to leave.
Oh my crazy girl. Me fucking Love you.