Saturday, June 16, 2007
Last Night At 12
Me and ali' went for SomethingReallyGood at the youth park yesterday. I think we caught Trella, Giants Must Fall, Allura, Vertical Rush and OF COURSE Caracal. I went there specially for vertical rush, a vacant affair but most importantly Caracal. Didn't stay on for AVA though. Ops. oh well, once caracal was done , ava was next and they were the last band but i guess me and ali were just tired. hah.

Caracal Was fuckin awesome as ever. KC your Humour improved! Level up for you.You seemed happy bout it from your comment back HAH

Had Strawberry Crepe at Cinne and we headed back "home".
REALLY got HOME at 1am
Gabriel's Guitar swing is Fuckin Wicked Sick. It's like swinging an axe from your back, over your head and all the way down to the ground. I must master that for teacher's day.
Everytime i see caracal, he reminds me of a flag pole.
You can watch "LastNightAt12IFeltImmense" and his swing here. I took the video.