Thursday, August 31, 2006
Hell Of A DAmn Great Day

WOW. Today Was THe day. Nailed It Man. YEAHHHHHH

Backstage, warming up and prayin to the GOD OF ROCK.
Hazizi's Band tuning up. We were After them.
And Hazizi In his Punk Shorts haha. Drummer's Wargear.

Wasn't nervous when i ascended the stage haha. Was Hungry for ROCK.
The hall was like SCREAMING away haha. Felt great. Lovell was nervous. He was the front man for god sake, he ought to be. But i felt he did great.
Haha did a favour for Nurul. *wink* Dun say i didn't make a sign for u on stage.
Hmm, my class gals took photo for me. Quick Send it man!!
After that awesome performance i dumped my stuff at home and met up with old frens.
haha. Felt sad that i didn't have the chance to visit pri school. But oh well.

Had a really good chat with them before i headed to ChangiAirport for some Swensons.
It's my Sister's Birthday. Yea..

Friday, August 25, 2006
Angels And Airwaves

This has been one of the most boring month ever. It's horrible. And i don't like it. And i'm pissed. Yesterday some Asshole S-O-A-B stole money from my wallet. Dammit. And juz feel like sayin something here. But i'm not allowed to cause it's illegal.
Well, how to trust 'frens' u tell me...
Teachers day inches ever closer. And i must say Hazizi's band really rocks with their 'Open Your Eyes By AlterBridge'. But oh well, dun wanna compare to ours. Cause it's different type of music haha.
Oh btw. My school's having full-day on teachers day. It Sucks.
Monday, August 21, 2006
I'm Tired Tired Tired

Zzz haven had time to blog recently. Been caught up with loads of stuffs. Anyway, this few days just seemed so BORING that i had nothin to brag about here. Well, At least our teachers day performance is comin and i can BRAG about a small band crisis haha. Well, hope we'll get it sought out soon.
Anyway, today was Confederation Meeting of the Beggers' Union (CMBU).... LOL wahahaha

Dun ask me wad were we doin. Recess was finishing and 1 of us juz decided to sit down and OUR WHOLE COMPANY followed suit. So we practically pointed and laughed at people who walked by.. =.= Izzn't life wonderful...
Monday, August 14, 2006
New Strings ^^

hmmm.. I guess i really need ta start studyin. Startin to feel the pinch of not doin so... =(
Well anyway My Baby had new clothes haha. Or as in my guitar had new strings. I juz love the feelin of new strings.So silky smooth. woooo...

And i got new soccer shoes! I'm one soccer retard But Gone will the days where the Evil blisters raid my leg =.=

Pace Vapor II .... Awesome.
Friday, August 11, 2006
Today Felt like a COMIC SCENE.

Just Back from tuition. Been in my sch uniform for the WHoLe day. cool. Today's training seemed to be physical exercises the WhoLe time. Thx to O'levels in hall. I went back to class to grab something. The light was off. Windows were shut and doors were closed. Fans were spinning though. I took a peek Up from the transperant glasses. And I SWEAR I SAW something which i shouldn't SEE IN IT. Well i'm not gonna say it.Promised them to keep it a secret.But i was wonderin.. This World REALLY IS FULL of Surprises huh... hhaha.
BTW Incredible HULK seemed to dropped by at my school for a PEE. CAuse i saw this in the cubicle.

Anyway during training there was this sec 1 boy who fell from the monkey bar and injured his back. APPARENTLY he was from St. Johns. (man wad do they teach them there). So me and andre's ANGELS seemed to pop up and we decided to grap the stretcher from the office and inform the OM. And i bloody hell carried there and that boy was OKAY AND SITTING DOWN, refusing help... SO, We PLAYED wif the stretcher.

Lovell meditated on the stretcher and they clowned around. C00l.
How i love Life. =) Chill ppl.
Wednesday, August 09, 2006
For The Republic Once More!

Today's National Day! Had a day out wit my family. I contributed to Singapore's ever improving economy by.... SHOPPING.

Anyway NDP juz ended could see the fireworks from my house.

Tuesday, August 08, 2006
"For The Republic!!"

Sup ppl. Today had NDP in school. hmmm Compared to the rest of the NDPs since sec 1. I gotta say last year's was the best. Well sorry to my S.Band and uniform group frens, but yea.. that's wad everyone said. But oh well, at least u ppl tried! =)
hmm i'm thinkin that val's not gonna be happy cause she was the conductor but.. it wasn't her fault la. Dunno why Mr lea went to look for her.And andre had some blummers. =.=
Took some pictures. Here's one of them.She seemed to be on a "photo taking spree".

- CLICK HERE FOR LINK To NDP video i took - .THere's 2 parts.(Dun click icon below, Like wad some ppl did =.=)
And after that.. guess wad. WENT jammin. jerome wasn't there. so me and eugene swapped roles from time to time.
Sunday, August 06, 2006
Confessions of a Boring Day-er

awright. So it's been long since i woke up to a rainy day and it finally happened. I love it. It gives me "that" feelin.. hmmm. It's like, so cozy.. Yea.
And today was sickeningnishnessly-boring and there's school tml. Yay.

"Thank the gods! My Crops Are Saved!"
Saturday, August 05, 2006
The Art Of Injuries

Andre's still havin family problems. Hope things change for the better for him.
WOW. What a day. I farked myself with all the pain from both my legs. PLayed soccer yesterday with that converse school shoe. And the skin of both my sole HaPPily came off. Went to the doctor and she put 3 layers of stuff for me. aww...
Missed school today, couldn't really walk. But guess wad, i still went for my badminton Team bonding BBQ. LOL managed to kick around with the ball too =p
Anyway had lots of fun with edwin, lovell, eugene, andre and the whole team.
OHH.and LITTLE Gina LOL (she'll strangle me for this)

BBQ-ing action.

Gina & Me