Friday, August 11, 2006
Today Felt like a COMIC SCENE.

Just Back from tuition. Been in my sch uniform for the WHoLe day. cool. Today's training seemed to be physical exercises the WhoLe time. Thx to O'levels in hall. I went back to class to grab something. The light was off. Windows were shut and doors were closed. Fans were spinning though. I took a peek Up from the transperant glasses. And I SWEAR I SAW something which i shouldn't SEE IN IT. Well i'm not gonna say it.Promised them to keep it a secret.But i was wonderin.. This World REALLY IS FULL of Surprises huh... hhaha.
BTW Incredible HULK seemed to dropped by at my school for a PEE. CAuse i saw this in the cubicle.

Anyway during training there was this sec 1 boy who fell from the monkey bar and injured his back. APPARENTLY he was from St. Johns. (man wad do they teach them there). So me and andre's ANGELS seemed to pop up and we decided to grap the stretcher from the office and inform the OM. And i bloody hell carried there and that boy was OKAY AND SITTING DOWN, refusing help... SO, We PLAYED wif the stretcher.

Lovell meditated on the stretcher and they clowned around. C00l.
How i love Life. =) Chill ppl.