Tuesday, August 08, 2006
"For The Republic!!"

Sup ppl. Today had NDP in school. hmmm Compared to the rest of the NDPs since sec 1. I gotta say last year's was the best. Well sorry to my S.Band and uniform group frens, but yea.. that's wad everyone said. But oh well, at least u ppl tried! =)
hmm i'm thinkin that val's not gonna be happy cause she was the conductor but.. it wasn't her fault la. Dunno why Mr lea went to look for her.And andre had some blummers. =.=
Took some pictures. Here's one of them.She seemed to be on a "photo taking spree".

- CLICK HERE FOR LINK To NDP video i took - .THere's 2 parts.(Dun click icon below, Like wad some ppl did =.=)
And after that.. guess wad. WENT jammin. jerome wasn't there. so me and eugene swapped roles from time to time.