Sunday, July 30, 2006
Practice Makes Perfect. (And Also Makes u Crazy)

Awright, so it's like, there's school tml, action packed wif 5 periods of the King of the jungle. Totally c00l. Say it again, c0000l.... There's always this EVIL aura whenever she walks into class, oh well..
ANyways i've been guitaring non-stop the whole day, gonna go crazy. It's like, teachers day's still in a month and i'm practising like a mad monkey. erm. Alright that's not the point.
Tml goin Swee Lee Music to get a new guitar case and look at some guitars at the same time with eugene and ed.
Cyas. Gonna pluck in my amplifir again =.=

Friday, July 28, 2006
" Good Morning School. Here Are The REsults for The Teacher's Day Audition...."
There went Mrs Tan walking up the stage. As she stationed herself infront of the mike, she read out various morning announcements.And Then... " Here Are The REsults For Yesterdays's Teachers Day Audition...."

OMFG!! yay-ness! I can't explain my happiness. Seriously.
WeEEE!! wow. That audition was heart pounding but it was worth it.
Just when it was suggesting to give up taking part in the audition, i would have been such a crime.
=) Love u Lovell, Love u Edwin, Love u Eugene. Love u Jerome. Love u Ryan

OMFG!! yay-ness! I can't explain my happiness. Seriously.
WeEEE!! wow. That audition was heart pounding but it was worth it.
Just when it was suggesting to give up taking part in the audition, i would have been such a crime.
=) Love u Lovell, Love u Edwin, Love u Eugene. Love u Jerome. Love u Ryan

Friday, July 21, 2006
Chinese New Year + Hari Raya = Hari New Year??

Awright. So Today was Racial Harmony day. Lol i turned into a Man In Black. And it's like, this morning i Stepped into the Train and Everyone was like damn lookin at me as though i'm HOT. lol k i'm lame. But Everyone was like.."Wad's he doin in that."
MY face was like screamin, "IT"S RACIAL HARMONEY DAY DAMMIT." But anyway, everyone looked great in sch today haha.

-Da BlackStas-

-Dun Move, I've got Da Sundies.-
Monday, July 17, 2006
OMGOMG That FRESHNESS of Wood and Paint

Oh my Goodness Gracious. I was In The study Room when i saw this unfamiliar, slick, black Guitar hard-case. I careful unlocked it's 4 lockets and gently opened it. As light began to enter it, something inside began to glow with the angelic chorus ringing in my head. The smell of Freshly Carved wood and coated paint rushed into me.
I CAlled my dad immediately ----
Ryan: hello daddy
Dad: Yea? juz back from sch?
Ryan: yeayea. Hey wad's that black Fender case at ur row of guitars?
Dad: *surprised* Oh yea, i bought a new one.
Ryan:*momentarily stunned*
Ryan: when did u got it?
Dad: Oh, ordered it two months ago from the states.
Ryan: *gasp* how much?
Dad: I'm not tellin u. Hey go study, i'm coming home soon.

Before The call I thought it's a surprise gift for me =.= *shatters* FAT HOPE.
Saturday, July 15, 2006
"NG Take 2!"

Alright great, so i had a hair cut and i rate it 1/10. =.=
And here's another screw for ur Humour's sake. =))
Qing Tian Take 2 !
Take 1's Below.
Friday, July 14, 2006
"Lets Try CHINESE ! " =.=

Hi peeps it's been a week since i've posted. So Busy. Zzz. Oh well, was jamming just now. Someone came without us agreeing but he turned out to be ok haha. oh well. Alright i know some of you have been askin me to show u songs that we've played, but..well yea, it's all about privacy haha. Wait till we hit it big and u'll see us on MTV muahaha. =)) okay here's the deal.
I'll show u the bloopers and spoiler parts haha. It always happens lol. Well, we're still apprentice-es haha. Here's ONE of the THOUSANDS EVERY SESSION haha.
But we ROck though ;)
We decided to do a chinese song FOR THE VERY FIRST TIME. Edwin loves it though he doesn't even understand, write, or speak chinese haha. His Indo. And he Rocks
When I started playin i knew something was gonna happen lol. No "Rock AURA" hahahah
Well i played wrongly, repeated that part when i should have played the intro in the background.
And lovell Mis-sung the Lyrics. hahaha.
Anyway we completed it On another try though. It RockED! =)
I'm not gonna show u =p
Chill ppl.
Sunday, July 09, 2006
The God Of Shopping Would Have Been Proud

Wow, what a day. SINFUL day lol. Firstly, Me and my cousin Skipped guitar lesson to go shoppin at Heeren. Secondly, We spent bombs on clothes and more clothes haha. Then, if that wasn't enough, we went down ta queensway for more shopping. Hmm, wasn't such a bad place as thought by me after all haha. My First time there =.=
And i got myself a pair of shoes and belt.
Well, Here's the stuffs i traded for Papers Printed with Mr Yusof Bin Ishak's face on it.

And here's a specimen of a Ultimate Untidy Room together with a post-Shopping spree.

Friday, July 07, 2006
A Ride With My Ibanez
| 8Th WoRld W0nDeRs |

Artist Art Courtesy Of Isa.BeL

sup' peeps.. Alright, so today went ta jam.
And i FinallY Decided to take one of my guitars along for a ride.
I usually use the studios' one. But well, juz wanna bring my Ibanez out of the safety of my room wahaha. Well i certainly felt more comfortable with my own guitar, it's just the sense of comfort haha.
And it's like just when i brought it along, our dear drummer couldn't make it.So it's like we have to convert to a 4-piece band for today.
Only had eugene on the guitar for rytheme. argh. Restricted the number of songs we could play.
I had to cover the drum since only i could play it besides jerome.. It's like, I Thought u said u could make it. Oh well.
But well, i couldn't bare to see my darling being hung up so just strapped it on and we played some songs without drums =.= BuMMer
Okay, Lets try Here Without You By 3 doors down next week. Better get some strapsils for ur throat lovell haha.
Nice job on the bass for Creep today edwin.
Chill ppl. Cya around.
This Is Us When We Hit the Top 10 Music Charts.

Artist Art Courtesy Of Isa.BeL

sup' peeps.. Alright, so today went ta jam.
And i FinallY Decided to take one of my guitars along for a ride.
I usually use the studios' one. But well, juz wanna bring my Ibanez out of the safety of my room wahaha. Well i certainly felt more comfortable with my own guitar, it's just the sense of comfort haha.
And it's like just when i brought it along, our dear drummer couldn't make it.So it's like we have to convert to a 4-piece band for today.
Only had eugene on the guitar for rytheme. argh. Restricted the number of songs we could play.
I had to cover the drum since only i could play it besides jerome.. It's like, I Thought u said u could make it. Oh well.
But well, i couldn't bare to see my darling being hung up so just strapped it on and we played some songs without drums =.= BuMMer
Okay, Lets try Here Without You By 3 doors down next week. Better get some strapsils for ur throat lovell haha.
Nice job on the bass for Creep today edwin.
Chill ppl. Cya around.
This Is Us When We Hit the Top 10 Music Charts.

Wednesday, July 05, 2006
PaNIC aT The Studio By My DAD.

Wow... yesterday night was awwwwsome.... went ta see my dad jam. almost brought down the house wahaha. Play songs like Deep Purple's Smoke On The Water, Radiohead's Creep, Rolling Stone's Just Like A Rolling Stone and also Paint It Black. C00l-ness. The Studio was in Town.. They recorded it into a CD !! Can't wait for it to hit Top 10 Charts Reached home like...12am plus.. zzz

Guy in Brownish-Grey 's my DAD. =)
Well i'm currently at home, leaving house soon for the Musical at Victoria Theatre. When i reached home i was like.. SLEEPING till now.. gotta compensate for my lost of sleep yesterday night haha. =)

Monday, July 03, 2006
"Hit the Shutter Dammit"

Sup' peeps. So yea, finished guitar class at 5, went ta get pizza and starbucks with uncle jim and cuzies. I swear i was damn full. haha. And after that, met up with jason and sherman for badminton. BEEN LONG since i played.. gettin lazy OMG. argh. Was total off-form, like.. wth. As Usual played till 10. I feel rather sluggish.. where's the YOUTH aura ? It's Youth Day hahaha.
Nth to blog. Cya ppl around.

A Quick Pic while playin awhile ago.
Sunday, July 02, 2006
Don't Hit Me Cause I'm French

""Bonjour Monsieur Brazil, Trashing For You?""
France Won !!! Yeah BabY!! I Didn't Stay up till 5 to Mentally Cheer them on for nth!

Saturday, July 01, 2006
""So How Was Tuition Class, son?""

So yea... today was the first Tuition class IN MY LIFe... and guess who i meet in there. I Was like.... erhem... OOOHHHHHHH MMMMYYYYY FUCCCCCKIIIIINNNNN ***...... =))
hmmm i'm kinda like havin extended holidays thanks to my stomach flu =.= Missed school yesterday and today. Ownage.
I'm Sleepy. My dear lehman saved 2 penalty. Nites.