Friday, July 14, 2006
"Lets Try CHINESE ! " =.=

Hi peeps it's been a week since i've posted. So Busy. Zzz. Oh well, was jamming just now. Someone came without us agreeing but he turned out to be ok haha. oh well. Alright i know some of you have been askin me to show u songs that we've played, but..well yea, it's all about privacy haha. Wait till we hit it big and u'll see us on MTV muahaha. =)) okay here's the deal.
I'll show u the bloopers and spoiler parts haha. It always happens lol. Well, we're still apprentice-es haha. Here's ONE of the THOUSANDS EVERY SESSION haha.
But we ROck though ;)
We decided to do a chinese song FOR THE VERY FIRST TIME. Edwin loves it though he doesn't even understand, write, or speak chinese haha. His Indo. And he Rocks
When I started playin i knew something was gonna happen lol. No "Rock AURA" hahahah
Well i played wrongly, repeated that part when i should have played the intro in the background.
And lovell Mis-sung the Lyrics. hahaha.
Anyway we completed it On another try though. It RockED! =)
I'm not gonna show u =p
Chill ppl.