Sunday, August 05, 2007
Fuckin gosh. BAYBEATS day 2 is DA STUFF. Though i'm back home, my tee is still drenched from all the moshing. I fuckin moshed hardcore Aerial Swing fists, now someone can give me a certificate. Fuckin lots of people and the mosh pit was just huge. I'm got bruises everywhere. I met Rifhan, izzat and aqilah there by chance. So the bunch merge with me and zakki. A Vacant Affair and Swedish Metal/Rock Band Blindside was EFFIN awesome man. I've never ever moshed this hardcore, so did zakki and aqilah. The rest just stayed at the back. Surfers were like everywhere and i just did pokemon 360 degrees mega punches and threw my body everywhere.Fire started 2 times, once i exploded suddenly,everyone followed. The crowd was really awesome. And so was the spirit. Many fell but were always picked up.
I watched Allura and Deputy Siren in the early evening but A Vacant Affair just started my night.

Matt was hyper i tell you. When their opening song started, i havent even started warming up and loosening my body yet and the mosh started. Through till the middle of their set at the 3rd song i really felt giddy and i just got out of the pit. Once i regained control of myself i went back in for the havoc.
So after AVA we took a walk to 7-11 for drinks and i swear i was walking zigzag. Needed sugar.

Drank two full bottles and then we headed back to Check out the Swedish Band, Blindside. We didnt know they were metal/rock initially.

We were like observing their sound check from the back and when they opened their first song, We were like, OMFG METAL SCREAMO, LETS FUCKIN MOSH. Zakki and Aqilah crowd surfed. Round two of moshing was good.

Now my whole body fuckin ache. Found a great band like blindside by chance today. The frontman did karatekicks in the air and the whole band just couldnt stop moving.
I stocked some new caracal pins, loads of caracal stickers, and Deputy Siren, Plainsunset and A Vacant Affair albums. Chris got my number so he'll phone me once caracal's tees are ready. And i'm surprised Field remembers my name.
I watched Allura and Deputy Siren in the early evening but A Vacant Affair just started my night.

Matt was hyper i tell you. When their opening song started, i havent even started warming up and loosening my body yet and the mosh started. Through till the middle of their set at the 3rd song i really felt giddy and i just got out of the pit. Once i regained control of myself i went back in for the havoc.
So after AVA we took a walk to 7-11 for drinks and i swear i was walking zigzag. Needed sugar.

Drank two full bottles and then we headed back to Check out the Swedish Band, Blindside. We didnt know they were metal/rock initially.

We were like observing their sound check from the back and when they opened their first song, We were like, OMFG METAL SCREAMO, LETS FUCKIN MOSH. Zakki and Aqilah crowd surfed. Round two of moshing was good.

Now my whole body fuckin ache. Found a great band like blindside by chance today. The frontman did karatekicks in the air and the whole band just couldnt stop moving.
I stocked some new caracal pins, loads of caracal stickers, and Deputy Siren, Plainsunset and A Vacant Affair albums. Chris got my number so he'll phone me once caracal's tees are ready. And i'm surprised Field remembers my name.