Monday, May 14, 2007
Yesterday was Effing fun. We woke up early in the morning and headed to town again. Heh.
And this is the 3rd Vintage picture we took. I look like an effing elf. Lol 'effing-elf', get it? nah.

That pimple spoilt my face =p
I catched spidy3 again, this time with her. I love orchard cathay's Seats =)
Then i got underoath's Define The Great Line at HMV.
Great day. Hope Your day's better as it passes. I know your mum issn't being easy on you. But she loves you =) And me Too. OF COURSE. Hahaha
Today was the final day of my AdamKhoo's 3-day motivation course. I must admit, i kinda enjoyed myself, yeah. As today was the last day, they helf a closing ceremony and parents were invited. But parents didn't wanna go at first but just 2 hours before the closing event i phone my dad and urged him to come, straight form work. And during the closing ceremony,i did something i was damn proud of.
I went up to the stage, grabbed the mike and confessed to the whole audience in the school hall that i havent been serious in my work at all and that i've been letting my dad down time and again. And i apologised to my dad on the mike and thanked him for working so hard just for me. I for the first time in my life, i said I Love YOu To my dad in public, on the mike. I cried and walked off the stage. Hah. And the school applauded. I felt so relieved after letting everything out. Things that i've kept in me for so long. I've always felt bad for letting down on my dad while he was working non-stop to bring money back and splurging on me.
Good nite peeps. Cheer up ali' =)