Wednesday, May 09, 2007
Happy Tree Friends.
It's been long since i had a sense of freedom like a retard kid running wild since a week before my midyears started. Since tmr's MCQs and Listening, me and the guys went to WAR today.

Met alicia for a quick bite before heading over to TM where my homies were gonna watch spiderboy3. The movie was great. And i didn't know that the greengoblin was a pokemon master and that spiderman was an EmoKid. So well after the movie we lunched at LongJohns and we headed to ToysR'Us like jubilant little kiddos.

Luqman: "arrrgggghh. ShiverMeTimberrrrrrrs."

LukeskyWanker Battles The Mighty DarthPussy

-insert retard describtive text-

So tmr's the last day of exams and after that it's be 3 days of AdamKhoo's Course on Fri, Sat and Mon. 9.30am to 9Pm. Fuck. I'm just gonna freeze in the music room and de-hot myself.
Oh no wait, i wont. =)