Saturday, April 21, 2007

Today was Estacy, Kocaine, Glue, all meshed into one. Today was CAracal and CUT at HOME CLUB. Man i think i flew off the ground. Caracal rocks so good live that Motley Crue should be put into SHame. Hah. God i'm high.
And i realised Paul Twohill could'nt stop touching his hair EVERY minute. HAh.

They played every song except Open Inverted Commas. Martin drums like there's no tomorrow. And yea amanda, i told him bout you after their gig. Hah.

Chris looks spas after their high speed head banding. WEll uh, so do i.
Didn't stay long after caracal to dance to Paul Twohill's Skills, I had someone important to meet. Heh
So i spent my night at alicia's house watchin Pearl Harbour with Claire and Jo.

How's my New Found Glory Shirt.
BY THE WAY, Next week Caracal's gonna be at HomeClub again rockin with Bad Obsession and others. But fuckin midyear comes first. Sorry guys, i'll see your gig after my midyears. And martin, your drumming gives my jaw a numb treatment. Woooo.