Thursday, January 25, 2007

Today was so nonsensical... it was weird. it was so unexpected. Shan't mention bout it here.
Was at Chung Cheng High today for the first match of the season. St hilda's wasn't as good as i expected. infact they sucked. I discovered that they only had 1 experienced and skilled player while the rest were like noobs. And coach fielded me to play him.
I lost the first set and was about to lose the second when Phin Siew (my childhood fren since nursery) came, along with her frens. Since it was her school she came ta see me play and I REALLY FIRED UP. I won the second set and we went into the deciding set. She was celebrating her birthday with her frens in her classroom so she went off half way. But i really had to thank her...
I eventually lost to him. But i felt that i really put in my best and played my guts out. I didn't expect myself to last that long. (We actually played for more then an hour, the longest match that day). But i didn't feel upset cause i knew he was good and on par with me.
Coach said it was merely down to luck. And he really comforted me.
HOWEVER. I'm not gonna talk bout my other guys. Speechless. Didn't make my view known to them though. Didn't need to. Cause it's over.

Playing Ngee Ann tomorrow. The Toughest in the group. PHINSIEW and Jessica Please be there! lol.