Tuesday, November 14, 2006
'Dusk And Summer' has joined Ryan's Collections

Hi peeps. Today's hours spent in school was close to pointless. Cause there were only two subject lessons and i didn't even listen in both of it. And i'm SO SO sure of skippin the last day of sch tml.
Tomorrow's Gina's birthday. So i decided to take her out for pasta mania today. Went to Orchard Cinneleisure for it. And W T F, Saw Jessvier & Weichan there. Out of ALL places in singapore, we've gotta see them there.. And to think that we were just talking bout one of them earlier on. And "PooF", they appeared. cool.

She was kinda tired, so we just went for a quite walk around Heeren across the road. I Got Dashboard Confessional's Dusk And Summer. Well though i have the songs but we should all support original music.. R i g h t? haha.

Alright i'm going to the beach tml for Gina's Birthday party. Good thing loretta and Andre's there. I'm gonna gear up in my Board Shorts. Till then, cya peeps. Love u guys out there.