Sunday, December 31, 2006
Happy 2007 !!
So Tmr's The beginning of the new year. 2006 has been an enjoyably crappish year for me. Crappish as in Full of fun, laughters and WTFs hah! Here's a look back.
Representing Simei in the inter-constituency competition.
Me and the band doing CIP
Astria And Isabel. Proberbly the most ardent fan of 8th World Wonders
2006 Campleaders' first kayaking lesson. Beginning of what would be our greatest achievement in our lives.
One of our kayaking sessions together.
The Kopitiam Soccer Uncles. LOL
Winston's Dog. The Dog who wears Adidas.
My Sister, The Sushi Queen. Alicia, your best friend right?. Hahahaha
At one of my Dad's Band's Jammign session. As they say, Like father, like son. Yay
Robo-competition at AHS. The day i met Alicia, that gal in full blue. We would soon find out that we talk the biggest and most enjoyable crap the world has ever heard of, almost daily. Cheers gal
That Fateful day. Because it was raining like crazy, i waited for a taxi for 20 mins just to get for training. Was late, as CAPTAIN.
Definetly THE MOST GAY PICTURE i've ever taken. zzz
BNSS Idol. Special Backstage Pass for Da House Captain. Yay.
8Th World Wonder awaiting stardom on what would be teachers day. Jerome left the band after that.
FRANCE IN THE WORLD CUP FINAL! I was damn happy. Before they lost in the finals =.=
At another of my Dad's jamming session
Dad's New Fender Telecaster. Envy. But half a year later i would soon get mine.
Racial Harmony. Me and Luqman look like some bollywood guy. RofL
Racial Harmony. I was so hot i melted hakim beside me. .... NOT! lol
BBQ for my team. Me and Gina. She looked so lost.
I once BBQ-ed a sausage here. Take note.
National Day. One of the early "few". Didn't know my school so enthu. Lol
National Day. Red is the new black
LOL. I love this pic. Da Holy monkey monk. Lovell on a stretcher.
Beggers Union Annual Meeting. Hah! Side view. During recess. Someone sat down by the road and all followed. How i love these guys.
Beggers Union Annual Meeting. Top View
Teachers Day! Hazizi Band's warming up. They were before us.
Show Time. I would never forget this. I promised the band that we would soon perform on a stage 10 times as big as this. HAHA!.
Quick Chat with my Primary school Pals.
My Sister. The blurrest Gal i've ever met.
Cycling with my bestest of pals. Primary Frens. ECP. AND also the first time i cycled with one hand. To take this picture. Yes, i'm a poor cycler.
Orchard MRT. Me and Shawn. Lifelong cousins.
Me and the guys taking a trek at Bedok Resevoir after school. OUT OF BOREDOM. Like.. wtf.
And we then discovered a secret cave-like hole. There were like chairs and used condoms. HMmmmmm
Random Picture.
Me, Shawn and our younger cousin. Chinese Restuarant ftw. haha.
Super Random Pic. Er. i look retarded. Not that i am one.
Outing with my Tuition peeps. Kathleen would soon leave us to australia. Sob
NYAA Camp. 2006 Campleaders at our heydays.
Being Sent out of class. So we played an imaginery Playstation. Retarded.
Luqman playin Playstion 2 in class after school. If we were caught, god knows what would happen. Lol. hmmm maybe the the teacher might join us hahahah
Steamboat at marina bay with my primary school peeps.
Me and Gina. Her Birthday
Cycling with Andre my best fren. ECP.
Random Pic. yay
Dirt Path Cycling on Pulau Ubin. Middle of no where.
My Brand new PSp. 'Studying' at Zahrah's House.
Japan. My favourite Hotel To date.
HAHAHAH! My Long lost buddy of 6 years. Japan DisneyLand (see archives)
The Day i got my Fender Stratocaster. Certainly a milestone in my musical Life.
The end of 2005. Taiwan. One of the best pics.
The beginning of what would be the greatest band on earth. First Jamming session.

So With that, 2007's just 45 mins away. I guess Most of you are at the countdown. I'm warming my couch at home Lol. I'm gonna say goodbye to my childhood days soon i guess. My birthday's just 10 days away. Sweet Sixteen Here i come. =D
Cheers people!